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Tue 9:22 AM : now playing:  Breakfast of Champions
88.1 fm
staff only

Lunie Tunes

Saturdays Midnight-1am

(Airs the First of Every Two Weeks)

Hosted by: Lucinda Sun, Connie Huang

Welcome to our headphones: swirling shoegaze, rolling rock... or something else?
Listen to past shows:
Sun Nov 24 12:00 am Playlist

Bleeps + Bloops

Saturdays Midnight-1am

(Airs the Second of Every Two Weeks)

Hosted by: Rowan Wergeland

Let's explore the vast valleys and mountain ranges of music made by machines. Electronic, hip-hop, pop, and indie; the eclectic, the beautiful, the goofy, the serene: it's all just a bunch of bleeps and bloops.
Listen to past shows:
Sun Dec 01 12:00 am Playlist
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